Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Should America Legalize Marijuana?


America’s most used illegal substance, marijuana, has been a growing issue around the nation.  With the collapse of our economy, and an increasing number of marijuana users, people have begun to raise the question of whether or not we should legalize marijuana.  Would legalization be the best solution for our nation?  We first must look into facts and details from both sides of the argument and which one our nation would be better off with.


History of Marijuana in the United States

Marijuana also known as Cannabis, has been used for thousands of years. It was believed to be first used as medicine by the Chinese.  Marijuana was brought into the United States in 1619, when the colony of Jamestown required all settlers to grow Cannabis by Law. 

After years of growth and use, the media had depicted marijuana as a dangerous, addictive drug that led to insanity and death.  Rumors of Mexicans and African Americans smoking marijuana and going insane and killing people were common in the early 20th century.  These over-exaggerated truths led to the signing of the Marijuana Tax Act in 1937, which prohibited marijuana in the United States.
Over the years, more people have admitted to trying and using marijuana in the United States.  Today 17 states have legalized medical marijuana.  Medicinal marijuana is legal for patients who have been prescribed cannabis by a doctor.  Each of the 17 states has different restrictions on the law that allows the use of medical marijuana.


 Science and Side-effects of Marijuana

Marijuana is the name of the plant that contains the chemical delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinolor THC.  THC is the substance that is delivered to the brain’s cannaboid receptors when smoked or consumed.  This creates cellular reactions that cause a “high” feeling.  The use of marijuana causes both short term and long term effects that have both positives and negatives. 

Short Term effects (negative): poor memory and thinking, poor muscle coordination, poor attention span, altered sense of time and space, altered driving skills, delusions, depression, food craving, and anxiety. 
Short Term effects (positive): reduced spasticity, increased appetite, reduced pain, and helps manage ADHD.
Long Term effects (negative): cancer, breathing problems, loss of memory, decreased immune system, energy impaired, and birth defects.
Long Term effects (positive): reduced anxiety, increased empathy, and improved brain function.


Who are the major players?

A few of the sides on this topic of marijuana legalization are those who are for legalizing marijuana, those for decriminalizing marijuana, and those for non-legalization of marijuana.  Along with these three sides are people who believe medical marijuana should be legalized and those who believe it should not.
Legalization of marijuana means that the American people have the right to use marijuana.  Although marijuana will be legal to use in this case, there may be some restrictions for public safety.  Restrictions include who can buy it, where it can be bought/used, how much can be bought/used, driving laws, etc.  Each person or party in favor of legalization has a different opinion on what restrictions should be enforced.  The Presidential Candidate for the Libertarian Party, Gary Johnson is in favor of legalization.  Legalization claims to eliminate the drug war in the black market along with saving our government billions through law enforcement cuts and creating a marijuana tax for consumers.


Decriminalization of marijuana can is in between legalization and non-legalization.  Decriminalization can range from limiting the number of marijuana arrests for small possession charges and first time offenders to eliminating jail-time completely for marijuana possession. Decriminalization has been viewed to help protect the futures of many charged with possession of marijuana.  Current President, BarackObama is in favor of this approach.  

Non-legalization means that marijuana should be illegal in all forms.  Current Presidential Candidate, Mitt Romney, is in favor of this approach.  Drug Watch International believes marijuana should remain illegal because “The legalization or decriminalization of drugs would make harmful, psychoactive, and addictive substances affordable, available, convenient, and marketable. It would expand the use of drugs. It would remove the social stigma attached to illicit drug use, and would send a message of tolerance for drug use, especially to youth.

Medical Marijuana Legalization means that marijuana should be allowed use for medicinal purposes.  Patients must receive a prescription for the substance by a doctor.  The degree of illness to qualify for medical marijuana differs in the states it has been legalized in.  Research has stated that medical marijuana has many health benefits for many illnesses. http://www.cmcr.ucsd.edu/ 


 Analysis: What is best for Our Nation?

In order to find out which solution is the best for America, one must look at each side’s effect from an economic and societal perspective.  The solution that would give our country the most economic and societal success is the correct choice for America. 

Legalizing marijuana has been estimated to save the United States roughly 10-14 Billion dollars per year by Harvard Economics Professor, Jeffrey Miron
 This number comes from law enforcement savings along with the government creating a tax on the sales of marijuana.  With less law enforcement and marijuana sold legally, more people would be encouraged and feel less ashamed to try the substance.  With more people using the substance, they will be spending more on marijuana and less on other resources and products in the economy.  As people begin to spend less on those other resources, those companies selling those products will lose money, thus negatively impacting the economy.  Although the marijuana companies and government will be gaining from sales and tax revenue, other companies will be negatively affected.  Miron had estimated that about half of that 10-14 Billion comes from the tax revenue, which is essentially coming out of the pockets of the American people.  The American people should be spending their money on other more important things in life and not on drugs. 

The non-legalization of marijuana will decrease the amount of people wasting money on marijuana with strict law enforcement.  Strict law enforcement will keep marijuana out of the hands of minors and people who would abuse the drug if legal.  The Huffington Post claims that 9 percent of people who use eventually “meet clinical criteria for dependencehttp://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/04/marijuana-legalization-research_n_1850470.html

 The numbers of people becoming physically dependent on marijuana would increase dramatically if the laws were diminished.  Physical dependence leads to many long-term negative effects. http://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/drugfacts/marijuana
 Marijuana could decrease the health and lifestyle of millions of Americans without law enforcement of marijuana.

Although non-legalization decreases substance abuse, the drug war in the black market still continues to go on in America. 
This report states that drug trafficking has claimed the lives of over 55,000.  Because drug cartels have been killing people over the distribution into the United States, it is believed that legalization would put an end to these drug cartels.  What many people do not see is that if marijuana were to be legalized, drug cartels would still continue to sell marijuana, just cheaper than what it is sold in marijuana dispensaries.  If there business goes down, it offers them more incentive to those cartels to import other illegal and more harmful drugs such as alcohol cocaine, opiates, and heroin. This would increase the amounts of other harmful drugs coming into our country. http://www.drugwatch.org/Against%20Legalization%20of%20Drugs.htm The only way in which this drug war could end is if all abused drugs were to be legalized and regulated in our society at a low costs.

Another negative of non-legalization is the criminal punishment that comes with possessing small amounts of marijuana.   This has been said to be a problem which has ruined many people’s futures.  Decriminalization of marijuana could decrease the punishment for marijuana possession charges.  The American people must make sure decriminalization of marijuana does not get to out of hand to the point where people are not afraid to use the drug anymore.  If we eliminate jail time for marijuana possession, people may be less afraid to use marijuana and abuse it more.  The increased drug abuse could lead to more marijuana being sold on the black market, thus causing more deaths and drug trades.  Our group believes first-time offenders with small amounts of possession charges should only be fined, rather than be put in jail.  This would give people a second chance to learn from their mistakes, along with saving the government money for their jail time.

Like the decriminalization, our group believes medical marijuana should be legal to people with severe illnesses but must have some restrictions.  We believe that if morphine and other harmful drugs can be used for medicinal purposes, marijuana should be allowed.  Although it will be helpful to patients with cancer, glaucoma, and other severe illnesses, the United States must make sure it does not get in the hands of people without illnesses.  Therefore we believe doctors must prescribe only small doses per appointment to patients they find it necessary to be given to.

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